
Mastering Your New Year's Resolution: Chaparral Style

Mastering Your New Year's Resolution: Chaparral Style

What is the most popular New Year’s resolution? If you guessed “getting fit,” you’d be right—in fact, this goal and losing weight take up the two top spots of popular resolutions, according to a survey by the Nielsen company.

But at third place, the resolutions take a sharp turn from the tangible (the ability to eat right, work out and develop a fit lifestyle) to the intangible—“enjoy life to the fullest.”

This is a resolution we here at Chaparral can get behind—for more reasons than one! Every year presents its share of ups and downs that make you realize the worth of simply enjoying life and making the most of every minute. In today’s blog, we will be exploring some of the best ways to embrace this resolution from on board.

Get on the water

One of the best ways to accomplish your resolution is, of course, to get on the water! This is true if it’s your first time boating, or if you simply haven’t made time for your favorite pastime. We know—life is busy—but the benefits afforded by a day on the water make it all too important of an excursion to pass up. You might regain your passion for the water, rediscover a favorite stress-reliever, or feel inspiration strike as you’ve been working to tackle a long-standing problem.
Think of a small place to start—enjoy a fishing trip with a friend, cruise a local waterway, or enjoy lunch by your local marina. You might be surprised at just how quickly you reacclimate to an on-the-water mindset.

See things in a new light

When we say “see things in a new light,” we mean it literally! Often, we get so fixed in our routines that the idea of seeing sunset on the water, fishing at dawn, or enjoying an on-board dinner in the dark (or anything else that’s different from your norm) seems foreign and hard to achieve. Head out on the water during these unique times to take the “routine” out of your boating adventures.

Looking for more ways to see the water in a new light? Head to where the water glows—literally! Spots like Bioluminescent Bay in Puerto Rico are famous for the single-celled organisms that can naturally “power on” to produce beautiful light displays, right where you are!

Take more time for family trips

Who couldn’t use a family getaway? Even families who are used to regular dinners, game nights and other activities can use a break from the everyday in favor of something new—an on-the-water excursion. Whether it’s a fishing trip or day out wake surfing, these precious moments on the water will be sure to help you enjoy your life even more.

Are you resolving to enjoy life to the fullest this year? Share your own ideas and plans below!

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